How To Pick Up A Girl

By Chase Chandler

There are many gorgeous girls our there. And with the many choices, there will be that one girl that will get your attention.

Approaching that one girl will not always be that easy for you. At times, she may have some friends with her that will just complicate things for you. However, we have here some tips you can make use of so that you can proceed without hassles.

Never miss a chance to impress her from the very start. Don't keep on thinking about second chances, as these may not realize. Focus on acting right from the very start.

Your approach should be natural. Don't be too aggressive just so she will know you are interested with her. You will eventually reach that point--in the right time. So proceed by being friendly. Talk to her about fun things and activities. Take hints on what she likes so that your conversations would proceed smoothly.

When you noticed that she seems comfortable with you already, then you may gradually change topic and venture towards her. Compliment her looks or what she is wearing or you may ask a few things about her. As your conversation continues, by then you will be exchanging small pieces of information about each other.

Don't be misleading with the information you share with her. Share only the truth and don't try to be someone you are not. You may succeed in the short term, but as time passes by, you can't really hide who you are.

Also, if you know she has been coming to that same place before, you can ask her about it. You may ask her why she likes the place or how often she comes there. If things will go as plan, before you will realize it, you are already talking about your next meeting.

Furthermore, if there is still much time for another activity, you can try to ask her if she wants to have coffee with you or if she can meet up with you for coffee some other time. If she says "yes," do not forget to bring flowers for her the next time you see each other.

And as your conversation comes to a close, always remember to let her know that you had a good time and that you enjoy talking to her very much. Compliment her for the wonderful things she has done and encourage her to keep up the good works.

Always try to leave a good impression. Give her the idea that going out with you is worth it. This will increase your chances for a second meeting.

In order to pick up a girl, you don't have to go the traditional route of giving pick up lines. Real girls want real guys who are sincere. With confidence and determination, you will have girls talking to you any time. - 33385

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